Our Services

Hart Core Solutions assists nonprofit organizations and small businesses to assess current performance, set future goals and objectives, and better position themselves for sustainability and growth through focusing on people, process, programs and technology.

The $499 Assessment

It is Hart Core Solutions’ belief that before beginning any project, we have to perform a needs assessment. We also believe that there is no “one size fits all” way to do this!

We offer a one-time assessment focused on gathering information in three core areas: People, Process, and Technology.


  • Interview up to five individuals (should include staff, volunteers, and directors) regarding culture of the organization

  • Review recruiting and retention statistics for staff and volunteers

  • Review HR policies, job descriptions, and onboarding materials, if available


  • Outline processes for top three functions (as identified by you) with whomever you designate as subject matter expert(s)

  • Review any documented processes, policies, and/or procedures

  • Review outcomes as reported in recent grant report

Programs (for Nonprofit Organizations)

  • Evaluate existing programs for alignment with mission

  • Assess program outcomes

  • Seek feedback from program recipients and partners

  • Help identify programs that can be added or discontinued based on the above


  • Observe use of current CRM system

  • Observe use of other relevant technologies as identified by you

Upon completion of the above activities, you will receive an assessment which will include the following:

  • Strengths of the organization

  • Opportunities for improvement

  • Suggested action items in order of importance

Strategic Planning

If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? It is important for organizations to have not only annual operating goals but also a three-to-five-year plan to help develop that annual plan. Bringing in a third party to facilitate will help to clear the path for your staff, board of directors, and volunteers to create a shared vision for your organization’s future.

Half-Day Session

Bring key stakeholders together to map out the future of your organization. This four-hour session utilizes SWOT methodology along with other planning tools to help you create that vision and outline clear action items in order to execute on your plan.

Full-Day Session

This seven-hour session utilizes the tools noted above, plus dives into the tenets of “Good to Great for the Social Sector” (Jim Collins) to set the stage for what you are doing well, so you can build on strengths and where you need to improve. By the end of this session, you will have created a clear action plan to help you move forward.

 Project Leadership

Need help with executing the plans outlined above? Perhaps you need assistance with completing a special project for which you received a grant or need interim leadership for your organization or a special project while seeking a full-time replacement. We are available to assist!

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

— Will Rogers